Effective Ways of Improving the Child’s Handwriting
Even with the advancement of technology, introduction to laptops and tablets, we can not overlook the importance of hand writing. There are a few skills that remain with us for the rest of our lives, and one of the most beautiful skill indeed is the art of writing beautifully.
Many parents out there do suffer from their child’s messy handwriting. If you are also someone who falls in this category, then do not worry at all.
Here are some fun ways of honing your child’s handwriting over time:
1. Right Formation of the Alphabets: The reason why a few of the children end up having beautiful handwriting and the others tend to have a shabby one is because of their formation of letters. At a young age, the child is vulnerable and is open to as many changes and learnings as possible. Hence, the first focus should be to improve the individual formatting of the alphabets. Once the child gets thorough with the formations, then he or she will be able to get a hold of it with practice and teach the same formation in writing different words.
2. Encourage the child to indulge in games and drawings: The gross motor skills of children at a young age are flexible. When the child is young, he or she develops the hand position and gross motor skills at that time, which stay with the child for the longest of time. Hence, writing does have some of the physical requirements such as the posture of holding a pencil, control over the pencil/pen, the coordination or dexterity etc. All you have to do is to make sure your child manipulates these objects in the best possible way. At the young age, of the child developed the fine and gross motor skills, the handwriting will automatically become better.
3. Usage of the right tools: The size of the hand also plays a massive role in the child’s handwriting. There is a reason why our market out there is flooded with ample variety of pencils of different size and width. The size of the hand of children do vary, and according to the size, the child needs to use the right tools. In case if your child has tiny hands, then make sure to reject the regular sized pencils and grab the small size pencil that fits in the hand of the child. Also, erasers are a must. Let your child not feel embarrassed about making mistakes. Push him or her to make as many mistakes as the more the mistakes, the better the grip.
4. Practice is the key: We have heard a saying all our lives, and that is, ‘Practice Makes the Man Perfect’. This goes with everything that happens in our lives and can go very well with helping you improve your child’s handwriting. Make sure once your little one is thorough with the basic formation of the alphabets, he or she does give a considerable amount of time to practice. You need to provide the little one with random words and ask them to stick to the formation they have learnt. Practice will help them to get a hold of the grip and also increase their handwriting substantially.
5. Pinpoint the problems: Many times, we do make our children practice very hard, but do not have a look at their work and pinpoint mistakes. What is the point of practising so much when the child does not know where he or she is going wrong? The common handwriting problems arrive in these four main areas, which are:
– Letter formation
– Sizing of the letters
– Spaces between the words and letters
– Alignment
Correcting your child regularly will make him perfect slowly and gradually.